Solar system
Omy school
OMY SCHOOL, A PLAYFUL LEARNING CREATIVE ACTIVITY! Did you know that the solar system consists of the Sun, 8 orbiting planets, satellites, dwarf planets and other celestial objects (asteroids, comets, dust, etc)? Explore planets, satellites and celestial objects that make up our solar system with our sticker and coloring poster. BILINGUAL - French/English INDEPENDENT LEARNING IMPROVE OBSERVATION SKILLS IMPROVE CONCENTRATION ENHANCE THE JOY OF LEARNING CALMING ACTIVITY WITHOUT SCREEN Inside the pack 60 answer stickers to complete the poster +6
Omy school
OMY SCHOOL, A PLAYFUL LEARNING CREATIVE ACTIVITY! Do you want to become a mental math champion? This poster is for you ! Search and find where to put stickers in the right place for each multiplication… Place poster on your wall, an easy way to memorize your tables! INDEPENDENT LEARNING IMPROVE OBSERVATION SKILLS IMPROVE CONCENTRATION ENHANCE THE JOY OF LEARNING CALMING ACTIVITY WITHOUT SCREEN Inside the pack 60 answer stickers to complete the poster +6
OMY SCHOOL, A PLAYFUL LEARNING CREATIVE ACTIVITY ! Embark on a journey to explore the functions, powers, and attributes of the Goddesses and Gods through this interactive sticker and coloring poster. The poster's advantages :- BILINGUAL- INDEPENDENT LEARNING- IMPROVE MEMORY- IMPROVE CONCENTRATION- ENHANCE THE JOY OF LEARNING- CALMING ACTIVITY WITHOUT SCREENInside the pack : 80 answer stickers to complete the poster. From 7 years old
Fruits and vegetable
Omy school
OMY SCHOOL, A PLAYFUL LEARNING CREATIVE ACTIVITY! It is the Season! What vegetables do we cook during Winter? What fruits do we eat in the Summer? This bilingual poster is an effective activity to recognize and learn about seasonal fruits and vegetables. Use stickers to learn with successive observations and associations how to eat healthy and shop seasonally! BILINGUAL - French/English INDEPENDENT LEARNING IMPROVE OBSERVATION SKILLS IMPROVE CONCENTRATION ENHANCE THE JOY OF LEARNING CALMING ACTIVITY WITHOUT SCREEN Inside the pack 60 answer stickers to complete the poster +6